Things that Can Damage Your New Tattoo if You're Not Careful

Things that Can Damage Your New Tattoo if You’re Not Careful

When you get a tattoo, you want it to look good for the rest of your life. Tattoos are pieces of art and most tattoos have special meaning to those who get them. Oracle Tattoo Gallery offers these tips on how to protect your new body art and keep it looking good.

Not listening to Instructions

All tattoo artists will give you instructions on how to care for your tattoo. The reason for this is to prevent infection. A tattoo is actually an open wound which means you need to care for it in the same way you would any other injury to your skin. The instructions given by Philadelphia tattoo shops will vary depending on several factors, including where your tattoo is located, the inks and needles they use, and the intricacy of your tattoo. Always follow the instructions of the artist as they have experience in the healing of tattoos. Keep in mind an infection can change the final look of your tattoo, so you want to avoid allowing that to happen. If an infection does occur, see a doctor as soon as possible.

Peeling The Scab

Tattoos often form scabs that can be itchy and scaly. Try not to peel or pick off the scab as it could change the look of your tattoo. Allow the scab to remain as long as possible in order to keep the colors and lines intact. It can take as long a six weeks for the top layer of skin to shed away and your tattoo to become vibrant.

Sleeping on Your Tattoo

Although this can be difficult depending on where your tattoo is located, try to avoid sleeping on the new body art. If your tattoo is on your back, try to sleep on your stomach. If it is on your upper arm, try to position yourself on the other arm if you sleep on your side. Try to keep the tattoo exposed to the air which will help with the healing process. If you have difficulty sleeping with your skin exposed, place a thin towel between the tattoo and the sheets to help avoid infection.

Swimming and Bathing

For the first two weeks, you have a tattoo, it is recommended that you avoid baths. Instead, shower and wash your tattoo a few times each day to avoid infection. Try to avoid hot tubs and swimming pools for the first two weeks as well as this can lead to infection. In addition, try to avoid areas where you will sweat excessively, such as saunas or intense workouts for the first few weeks.

Keeping it Covered for Too Long

When you leave the tattoo parlor, the artist will likely cover the tattoo with gauze and plastic. Although you need to leave that on for a short time, do not leave it on too long. The covering is designed to allow the tattoo to finish bleeding – remember, it is an open wound on your skin. The Oracle Tattoo Gallery artist will tell you how long to keep the tattoo covered and you can remove it after that time. This is important as air will help with the healing process.

Wearing Tight Clothing

As mentioned, you want to let your new tattoo breathe as much as possible. Wearing tight clothing can prevent this, so you want to wear loose clothing for the first few weeks as your tattoo heals. Tight clothing can lead to infection and may actually be uncomfortable against your new tattoo.

Sunbathing Too Soon

For the first few weeks or even months, avoid putting your new tattoo in direct sunlight. Although you may be tempted to show off the talents of the artists in Philadelphia tattoo shops, your tattoo could burn more easily than other areas of your skin. In addition, some tattoo colors will fade more quickly with exposure to the sun. If you feel your tattoo burning, move out of the sunlight or cover it to prevent it from burning. You should not put sunblock on a new tattoo. However, once it is healed, it is recommended that you put sunblock on it when you will be in the direct sun.

Too Much Touching

Your new tattoo will be a novelty and you may be tempted to touch it often. However, your hands may be dirty and constantly touching your new tattoo could result in infections. The same is true when showing off your tattoo to friends. Don’t let them touch it while it is healing.

Choosing the Wrong Location

Before getting a tattoo, consider the location on your body where you want to place the art. Remember, we all get older and, as we age, our skin sags and wrinkles. Place your tattoo in an area where aging has less impact. Philadelphia tattoo shops recommend your inner forearm, upper and outer areas of the chest, lower back, or on the back of your neck. These are areas least impacted by aging and weight gain or loss.

Choosing the Wrong Artist

A tattoo is meant to be forever which means you want to be sure and choose an artist who is experienced. You also want to be sure the artist works in the style you have chosen for your tattoo. You can search for “local tattoo shops near me” to find websites of tattoo shops with galleries of previously completed tattoos. Most have galleries for each specific artist so you can see the type of tattoos they specialize in as well as some of the work they have done. Many also have reviews that will tell you what other customers say about them. If you know someone who has tattoos, talk to them about where they got them, the artist who did them, and how pleased they were with the artist before, during, and after the process.

If you are considering a tattoo, contact Oracle Tattoo Gallery today by completing the consultation form online. Our artists are experienced and will walk you through the entire process.