How to Deal With Scabbing on Your Tattoo

After you have found an exceptional artist at one of the local Philadelphia tattoo shops, you don’t want anything to go wrong with your new piece of fantastic artwork. When you are sent home, there are plenty of care instructions to follow. However, what to do about those scabs on your new tattoo? Are they normal or not? If you want to know how to deal with scabbing on your tattoo, here are a few tips for you.

Is Scabbing Normal?

If you notice slight to moderate scabbing on your tattoo, that is part of the healing process. However, any scabbing that is bumpy or painful is not normal. You may want to go back to the tattoo parlor or speak to your doctor. It could be a sign of an infection.

The Tattoo Care Process

About three days after your tattoo session, it will start to scab over. During this time, you want to follow a tattoo care routine outlined by your tattoo artist. It is vital to allow your skin and tattoo to heal. First, make sure to use an antibacterial soap to clean the area gently. Some lotions can be applied to help with the itching and prevent any excessive scabs.

Itching can be an annoying problem after you have been tattooed. You want to scratch your skin, but that can damage the ink and cause more scabs. Make sure to hydrate your skin with fragrance-free lotion. It can keep your skin moisturized and help take away some of the itches.

When a tattoo is not hydrated, it can split and bleed. This is known as tattoo cracking, and it is a serious issue. Once that happens, your skin will develop bigger scabs on the surface. Those deep scabs extend your healing time. As a result of these heavy scabs, your tattoo can look faded and patchy. That is not a look you want, especially when the ink is new.

If you want a tattoo that will last a lifetime, you need to make sure that you allow your skin to have a healthy healing process. All tattoos will need a minimal amount of scabbing to help retain ink on the skin.

Listen To Your Tattoo Artist

If you are concerned about the scabs on your tattoo, always reach out to the artist. Remember that infections are rare, but you can address your concerns by talking to the artist. With plenty of experience under their belt, they should know the difference between a healthy and an infected scab. A great artist wants you to be happy with your tattoo. Always feel free to follow up with questions about the healing process.

Clean Those Tattoos

After you have finished your inking session, you will be sent home with aftercare instructions. The tattoo artist can recommend products to use on your skin. Some soaps and lotions are specifically made for newly tattooed skin. Cleaning should be done with care. Many artists will recommend that you allow warm water to gently run over your skin and pat dry with a clean towel for the first few days.

In some cases, you may have to remove clothing so that it doesn’t stick to the scab. Once again, you can gently pat dry the area to avoid aggravating the sensitive skin.

Use Products Designed for Tattoos

If you want to have a healthy recovery, you need to use products designed for tattoos. Hydration is key to beautiful skin. When you allow the scab to dry out, it can lead to cracks and even infections. Some lotions have ingredients that will enable your skin to stay hydrated and recover faster. You always want to apply these products to dry skin.

Never Scratch or Pick

Your new tattoo might be itchy but resist the temptation to scratch it. When you pick at those scabs, it can cause your skin to lose ink and lead to infection. After you have been tattooed, your skin will become highly sensitive for a few weeks. If you continue to have issues after that, it may be time to speak to a medical professional.

Any tattoo that becomes swollen and tender could be an indication of an infection. You might want to see a medical professional, especially if you are experiencing a high fever. Never ignore these symptoms. You could end up with a serious skin infection that might put your life at risk.

Protect Your Ink Under a Scab

After you get your tattoo, it will take a few months for the ink to sharpen. If your ink looks faded, that is all part of the healing process. Many tattoo artists recommend waiting about two months to see the true clarity of the ink.

If any of your scabs bled during the healing, you might have lost some ink. Once again, if you are concerned about your tattoo, reach out to the artist. They will be able to tell you if the ink is maturing well. For those tattoos that have lost ink, you can always schedule a touch-up session.

You might be concerned about light tattoo scabbing, but it is the normal part of the healing process. Your skin is resilient. If you follow your artist’s recommended aftercare routine, then it should be a smooth road to recovery. Make sure to keep your skin hydrated and never pick at those scabs. It is important to monitor your skin. Swollen spots or pus can be a sign of infection. If that happens, reach out to your artist for advice. When you follow these tips, you will have a beautiful tattoo that can last for a lifetime.

Need Local Tattoo Shops Near Me?

Are you interested in a beautiful tattoo for your skin? Make sure to connect with Oracle Tattoo Gallery. Our experienced artists can help you choose the right design for you. Plus, we are here to answer any aftercare questions during the healing process. We want you to be delighted with your tattoo. If you are ready to schedule an appointment, call our shop at 215-638-1601.