How To Make Tattoos Less Painful

How To Make Tattoos Less Painful

Getting a tattoo is a meaningful and memorable experience, but it can also be daunting and painful, especially if it is your first time sitting for a piece. Though some people think the pain of a tattoo is transformative, you may want to diminish the sensation as much as possible. At Oracle Tattoo Gallery, we don’t judge! We want to make your appointment as stress-free as possible, which is why we are offering up some tips for making tattoos less painful.

What to Expect When Getting A Tattoo

When getting a tattoo, various sensations can be felt. Depending on the type of design, you may experience stinging, scratching, burning, vibrating, or dullness. The amount of pain can range from gentle, due to small and subtle pieces, to intense, due to larger and more elaborate tattoos. Additionally, the duration of the session and the area you pick to have done also affect how much pain you will experience. All in all, getting a tattoo can be an uncomfortable experience, but one that results in lasting memories and a beautiful end-product.

How To Make Tattoos Less Painful

As mentioned above, tattoos do cause pain. Due to the process of a needle moving in and out of the skin, you are technically injuring your skin. So how can you reduce that sensation and make your appointment more enjoyable? Here are some steps and tips that will make getting tattooed a breeze:


Choose Small Tattoos Over Large Tattoos

The less time your tattoo takes to complete, the less painful it will be, no matter where the ink is located. In other words, if you are worried about the pain, start small. Simple or small will take less time and be less painful overall, thus creating a much easier healing process. Once you understand what kind of sensation to expect from getting tattooed, you can then plan on something more intricate in the future.

Make Sure You Are Hydrated

In order to ensure that you have an enjoyable and successful tattoo experience, it is important to make sure you are well-hydrated in the days leading up to the appointment. Start drinking plenty of water and moisturizing your skin at least 3 to 4 days before your tattoo. Use a non-scented lotion and make sure that your skin is well-hydrated and not exposed to the sun. Doing so will ensure that you feel comfortable during your appointment and that your artist can work effectively.

Avoid Painkillers Such As Aspirin & Ibuprofen Before Your Appointment

It’s important to avoid taking painkillers such as aspirin and ibuprofen at least 24 hours before your tattoo appointment. These medications thin the blood, which can compromise your safety during the tattooing process, resulting in a painful, bloody session with potential damage to the ink. Many tattoo artists won’t even let you sit for the session if you’ve taken these medications within the last 24 hours.

Choose An Experienced Artist

When considering a tattoo, it is important to choose an experienced artist. At Oracle Tattoo Gallery, all of our artists are licensed and experienced, ensuring that your tattoo will be finished in a timely manner. Furthermore, our artists are friendly and respectful, making sure you feel comfortable and at ease. We always prioritize safety at our shop, providing a clean and sterile environment for each session. As experienced professionals, you can be sure you are in great hands at Oracle Tattoo Gallery.

Pick A Part Of The Body That Is Less Sensitive

Did you know that people have different pain thresholds and regions on the body that feel pain differently? That is why it is best to speak with an experienced tattoo artist about your tattoo’s hypothetical placement. They may know something you don’t about that neck tattoo or the one you want on your ribs! Some of the least painful areas to get a tattoo include the forearms, outside of the upper arms, outside of the shoulders, outside of the upper thigh, calves, and lower back. Depending on the size and complexity of the design, your artist can help you decide which spot works best for you.

Schedule Your Appointment When You Are Feeling Healthy

Never go to a tattoo appointment when you are sick or rundown. During sickness, your body is more sensitive to pain, which can lead to longer and slower healing times. If you are feeling under the weather, be sure to reschedule your appointment so that you can get the best results!

Use Some Numbing Cream

Using a numbing cream before a tattooing session is a great way to lessen pain and ensure a more comfortable experience. Applying the cream generously to the area being tattooed before the session will help ensure that its effects are felt. There are a variety of numbing creams available, so it’s important to ensure the right one has been chosen for your needs. Once it has been applied, wait for it to take effect, and you should notice a significant decrease in the pain during the procedure.

Try Not To Move

Tattoo pain levels can be affected by your movements during the tattooing process. When you’re in pain, it might seem like the right thing to do, but it’s best to avoid squirming or moving around. Moving will only result in more discomfort and ultimately, more pain. To distract yourself and better manage the pain, try focusing on your breathing, playing some music in your headphones, or talking (if the tattoo artist is open to the conversation).

Ice As Part of Aftercare

Using ice during and after your tattoo session can help to reduce pain levels and inflammation. It is important to bear in mind that you should not apply ice directly to the skin and should instead wrap it in a thin towel to protect your new tattoo. Applying ice during and after your session will not only help to soothe any swelling or inflammation but can also help to reduce pain levels overall.

Avoid Alcohol

It is highly recommended to skip the alcohol and stay sober for at least 24 hours before getting your tattoo. Alcohol is a blood thinner, which heightens pain sensitivity and dehydrates your skin, making it more painful for your tattoo artist to work and drastically increasing tattoo pain levels. Additionally, you may have heard horror stories of people getting tattoos while drunk and then regretting them forever – don’t be one of those people! Taking the time to stay sober before your tattoo will make for a much more comfortable experience.

Looking to Get a Tattoo from a Local Shop in Philadelphia?

If you are looking for a tattoo shop in Philadelphia with skilled artists and a friendly
atmosphere, check out Oracle Tattoo Gallery. Whether this is your first tattoo or your twentieth, It will be a fantastic experience. Schedule a consultation with us today to learn more!