How To Make A Tattoo Heal Faster

A tattoo’s healing process is a big concern for many inked individuals. You might be wondering if there are ways to heal your tattoo quickly. Everyone has their own methods and tricks to speed up the process. Here are some tips for helping to heal your new tattoo.

A Few Tattoo Basics

Are you looking for some pointers on how to heal and take care of your new tattoo? First, you need to pay attention to your body. Make sure to use the right products for your skin. Finally, always be prepared for the unexpected. If something looks wrong, then take steps to seek help for your issue.

Most Philadelphia tattoo shops can provide you with a few suggestions to help heal your tattooed skin. Before you leave the shop, you will be handed a tattoo aftercare sheet. While these sheets are helpful, everyone’s skin is different. For that reason, you need to pay attention to the health of your own skin. Make sure to be attentive to those sensitive areas so that you can protect your new tattoo.

Now that you know the basics, here are some great tips to help your tattoo heal faster.

Tattoo Coverings

Before you leave the shop, the artist will apply a covering to your new tattoo. Some of the most common coverings use surgical dressing pads, plastic wraps, and non-stick pressure dressings. You might be anxious to remove the dressing, but you need to wait at least two hours. Remember that your tattoo is an open wound, and it can be susceptible to infection. If the tattoo becomes infected, it can lead to permanent damage.

You will notice a clear liquid leaking from the skin, and that is known as blood plasma. This seepage is normal during the healing process. If you have a large tattoo, you will experience more weeping from the skin. You want to prevent scabbing. For that reason, you must wipe away any plasma that begins to dry on your skin. Those scabs can lead to scarring, discoloration, and ink loss.

You can minimize your risk by keeping the dressing on for as long as possible during the first day. It should stay on for about 8 hours. Along with that, if the bandage remains on the skin, you will not have tattoo ink on your clothes or bed sheets. After the seeping has stopped, you are less likely to develop scabs on your skin.

Removing The Covering

It might be tempting to remove the covering right away, but you really need to leave it on for a few hours. Once you remove the covering, you want to wash your skin with antimicrobial soap and water. After you are done washing, make sure to apply a light layer of antibacterial ointment. Repeat this process for several weeks to help promote healing.

The Tattoo Healing Process

Typically, tattoos heal in two phases. Each of them will last for about a week. You always want to keep the area clean with warm water and soap for the initial healing phase. Never scrub your tattoos. You need to rinse the skin with cool water and pat dry with a paper towel. After the skin is dry, you want to apply a thick layer of moisturizer. It is crucial to keep the skin hydrated during this first week.

After a week, you will notice that your tattoo has started to peel. Avoid pulling on the skin but continue to apply moisturizer. After two weeks, your skin should be healed from the inking process.

After you have been tattooed, you want to avoid certain situations with your new ink. For the first two weeks, you should not take baths, use a swimming pool, or sit in a hot tub. You also want to avoid using hot water on the skin. Along with that, keep your skin out of the direct sunlight and never pick at the tattoo.

Additional Steps To Help The Healing Process

First, you always want to keep the tattoo clean. Use a mild cleanser and wash your hands before touching your tattoo. You can use regular soap, but many artists suggest that you wash with an antibacterial one. These soaps can wash away any seepage on the skin and keep you from developing an infection.

After that, use a moisturizer on your skin. You want to avoid any type that has perfumes or essential oils. It is crucial never to let your skin dry out since that can lead to excessive peeling and damage to the tattoo. If you are noticing excess peeling, it might be time to switch to a lighter moisturizer.

Warning Signs

If you notice any of these issues during the healing process, you need to speak to a doctor or your artist. Some of these serious problems can include:

  • Major swelling
  • Increase pain
  • Red streaks around the tattooed area
  • Brown, green, or yellow pus
  • Swollen lymph nodes


These symptoms are signs that you may have an infection. You need to seek medical help if you are experiencing any of those problems.

Tattoo Post-Healing Care

For the first two weeks, you will want to cover your tattoo with clothing. It is important to keep your inked skin out of the sun. Once your skin is healed, make sure to wear sunscreen. UV rays

can cause damage to your skin, especially in those tattooed areas. When the pigment absorbs those rays, the color can change on your tattoo. Those light colors are the first to fade, while black will look blue with age. You want to take steps to protect your ink so that you can enjoy it for the rest of your life.

Local Tattoo Shops Near Me

If you want a beautiful tattoo for your body, make sure to visit Oracle Tattoo Gallery. We have the best artists in the city. Our artists can help you find a tattoo to match your personality. You want to find the right design that can be enjoyed throughout your lifetime. Make sure to schedule an appointment by calling 215-638-1601.