How Long Does It Take For A Tattoo To Fade?

When choosing what design you would like as your new tattoo, it’s important to care when deciding as many people tell you that once it’s been inked on – that’s it, it’s been inked on forever!! As true as this is, there are certain external factors that can cause your tattoo to fade over time. When a tattoo fades, it will not fade completely but this is still; not ideal as your tattoo design will always look better when it looks freshly completed. In this article we will explore how long it takes for a tattoo to fade and how you can protect your new tattoo from fading.

What Causes Your Tattoo To Fade?

If you already have tattoos then you will most likely know how they work and how they are applied but we will recap for any newbies that are on the blog! When you get a tattoo applied to your skin, the needle that will apply the ink deposits the ink in a skin layer called the dermis. This allows the tattoo ink to be placed permanently on your skin.

Time is a big contributing factor to tattoos fading as cells from the immune system in the body start to gradually absorb the ink from the tattoo and start to disperse it. It is this cell turnover that leads to your tattoo fading. This is a natural thing that your body does and it can not be stopped completely, but there are ways you can stop your tattoo from fading quickly. Knowing what makes your tattoo fade will massively help you when preventing it from happening.

Common Factors That Cause Tattoo Fading


1. Time

Like we said above, time and aging are inevitable and the biggest factor that will cause your tattoo to fade. As we age, our skin naturally changes along with us, and often we experience stretching or loss of elasticity. These changes in the skin can actually cause the appearance of our tattoo to change, especially in shape and size. It is more common that smaller tattoos are likely to change more than big tattoos as we age therefore if this is one of your concerns, choosing a tattoo that is a bit bigger may help.


2. Type Of Ink

When you are getting your tattoo, the type of ink the tattoo artist uses can actually affect how
quickly the tattoo will fade. Making sure that the ink that is used on your tattoo is of good quality will help your tattoo not deteriorate quickly. When choosing what ink will be used on your tattoo, it is best to make sure that you avoid high in chemicals and low in pigmentation ink.


3. Age

You may think we are talking about the process of aging here but actually, we’re talking about how old you are when you get your tattoo. Fun fact, if you get a tattoo when you are of a young age, you will start to notice that the tattoo will fade when you reach your 40s-50s. If you are of older age and you get a tattoo, the tattoo will actually fade less quickly than when you are young.


4. Sun Damage

Exposing your tattoo to the sun could cause the skin to have sun damage. Sun damage is a big external factor that can contribute to your tattoo fading quickly, especially if the skin is sun damaged while you are in the healing period. When you get a new tattoo, the skin will become very sensitive to UV rays and therefore you will need to be extra careful.


5. Change In Weight

Any changes to your body that are dramatic can affect if your tattoo fades. This includes if you lose weight or gain weight. When aging, it is very common to gain weight which will make the skin all over your body start to stretch. The stretching of the skin is what will expand the ink and cause the tattoo to begin to fade. When you lose weight, your skin will naturally change and therefore the tattoo will possibly change shape.


6. Placement Of Your Tattoo

Many people believe that when you get a tattoo because the ink is penetrating the skin deeply that it will last no matter where it is placed on the body. This is actually untrue as there are areas of the body that are used constantly and experience more friction, therefore the ink begins to rub more often. Areas to avoid getting a tattoo if you do not want your tattoo to fade quickly is the psalm of the hands and the feet.


7. Smoking

One of the main factors that cause your tattoo to fade is when the skin’s electricity starts to change. Smoking can be a lifestyle habit that rapidly changes the skin electricity and can have quite drastic results when practiced over time. Smoking will make the skin age quicker as it reduces collagen production in the body. Your skin will start to lose its elasticity and the tattoos you have placed across your body will start to fade and change from their original appearance.

How To Protect Your Tattoo From Fading


1. Always Apply Sunscreen Protection

Making sure that you keep on top of protecting your tattoos and skin from the sun will help the general upkeep and care of the skin’s elasticity. Using sunscreen daily can help your tattoo stay like it did when you first applied it. Avoiding the sun for three weeks is very good advice to follow if you have just had a tattoo applied as the skin will be very sensitive.
Avoid extreme sun exposure or tanning beds Tanning beds can be just as damaging as the actual sun when it comes to caring for your new tattoo and your skin. When you first get a new tattoo applied to your skin, your skin will be very sensitive to the UV rays in the sun. Exposing yourself to a high concentration of UV rays in tanning beds can be very dangerous and could damage the skin near your tattoo.


2. Do not overuse lotions and moisturizers

Over-moisturizing your skin when you have had a new tattoo is not advised as it could cause rapid fading to your tattoo. If you are wanting to care for your tattoo, one of the best options is to use non-scented soap and the recommended amount of lotion.

Care For Your Skin Well To Keep Your Tattoos From Fading

If you are wanting to keep your tattoos looking like the day you got them, caring for your overall health and skin is the best bet. Healthy skin will mean that your tattoos will not fade quickly. If you are looking for a tattoo shop in Philadelphia with skilled artists and a friendly atmosphere, check out Oracle Tattoo Gallery. Whether this is your first tattoo or your twentieth, It will be a fantastic experience. Schedule a consultation with us today to learn more!