10 Tips For Safely Working Out After a Tattoo

10 Tips For Safely Working Out After a Tattoo

Getting a tattoo is exciting. You have thought long about where to get your tattoo, what it is going to look like, and what it means. Of course, amid all that thinking, you may not have considered the recovery time. Now, you are wondering if you can head to the gym tomorrow. As with any kind of injury, healing a new tattoo sometimes requires altering your routine in order for the best outcome. Today, we are going to discuss whether you should workout after your new tattoo and some ways to make it your gym session safer for your tattoo.

Can You Work Out After Getting a Tattoo?

First, before even discussing how to go about working out with a new tattoo, let’s discuss whether you should visit the gym or even sweat after getting freshly inked. Should and can you work out after getting a new tattoo?

The short answer is no, you shouldn’t. Not right away.

Generally, the healing time for a tattoo is about 2 weeks, depending on the size and location. This does not mean you cannot visit the gym that entire time, but it does mean you will need to be patient while your skin repairs itself.

10 Tips For Safely Working Out After a Tattoo

Without further ado, here are the tips that will help you stay fit while waiting for that new sleeve or back piece to heal:

1. Treat Your New Ink Like an Open Wound

Sure, a tattoo may just be an image permanently etched into your skin, but when it first happens, it is considered an open wound. In order to create your beautiful tattoo, hundreds or thousands of microscopic punctures have to be made. Those punctures bleed and ooze, making them the perfect doorway to bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

You know what’s rife in the gym? It’s not just ego. It’s bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Working out when you have a bleeding or scabbed over injury is risky, especially if you plan on sweating or being in contact with other people.

During the healing process, your main priority is to keep your tattoo clean and to limit any exposure that could cause an infection.

2. Avoid Excess Stretching

If you thought about heading to yoga after getting that cute like om symbol on your back, think again. Stretching your new tattoo is a terrible idea, and here is why: Physical activity causes contractions in the muscles and skin. If your tattoo is stretched or scrunched, the healing process may be disrupted, leading to improper scabbing, infection, and other problems.

3. Wash Your Tattoo After Sweating

Sweating too much can be an issue when your perspiration is allowed to sit on your open wound. Sweat is not just water and salt but also urea and sometimes other contaminants. Do you really want that on your new tattoo? No, you don’t.

If you want to sweat during a workout, wait a couple of days after your new tattoo. As soon as you are able, either rinse off or get a nice soapy shower. Anything that you touch, be it the dumbbells, the yoga mats, or even the gym floor can be loaded with germs, so wash your hands often, too.

4. Use Clothing or Something Else to Limit Contact

Once you have returned to the gym, you want to make sure that your tattoo is protected. One of the best ways to do that is to wear appropriate clothing, such as a loose fitting shirt or sweatpants. Avoid anything too restrictive around the tattoo, including compression gear. If clothing rubs against your fresh tattoo too much, the skin may become irritated and inflamed.

Another option is an adhesive dressing, such as Saniderm or Tegaderm, both of which are excellent barriers for germs and grime. You can apply either kind of bandage to a dry, freshly cleaned tattoo a day or two after the ink is done. Do not apply any Aquaphor under the banadage, just the Tegaderm or Saniderm patch. These products are designed to stay in place for 3-4 days then can come off in the shower.

5. Avoid Swimming For Now

Stay out of the pool if you are sporting a new tattoo. Submerging your tattoo before the ink has set could permanently alter the image. Plus, even with chemicals in the gym pool, the water is not 100% sanitary.

6. Wait Around 48-72 Hours

If you are truly fixated on getting a workout, do a light or moderate one, such as a walk around the block or some light aerobics. Within 48-72 hours, you can return to your normal vigorous workouts and do not have to worry about sweating too much. That being said, you still have to consider how the movements you are making will affect your tattoo’s healing process.

Furthermore, the time it takes to return to these high intensity workouts depends on the size and placement of the tattoo. Did you get a small tattoo on your ankle? You can enjoy a hard workout within 48 hours, because tiny tattoos heal more quickly. Larger tattoos will need about 72 hours to set.

Next, consider the location. Tattoos in places that are not prone to friction or sweating, such as the wrist, ankle, or back of the neck are safe after 48 hours. Places that are exposed to movement or rubbing or sweating—think calves, trunk, thighs, back, and shoulders—need at least 72 hours.

7. Consider Modifying Your Workout

Even after 72 hours, you may need to modify your workout routine. For example, if you got a fresh tattoo and planned on going to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu for some grappling, don’t. Swap in something else, like punching a bag or practicing kicks, depending on where your tattoo is placed.

Again, avoid anything that exposes your tattoo to excessive amounts of sweat, friction, rubbing, water, and direct sunlight.

8. Wear UPF Gear

UPF gear protects you from the sun in ways sunscreen can’t, especially if you are inked. For brand new tattoos, sunscreen is a no-go. The chemicals in sunscreen can damage the tattoo in the first few weeks. So, if you plan on going for a hike or run along the beach, put on your UPF clothing instead. 

9. Listen to Your Body

Tattoos can be painful, even a couple days afterward. Remember that it is okay to take a rest day, especially if your skin still aches after your session. Listen to your body during your session, too. If something does not feel right, don’t do it.

10. Be Consistent With Your Tattoo Aftercare Routine

All in all, you should be consistent with the aftercare instructions. Avoid friction. Use protective ointment. Keep your skin moist. Do not scratch or rub your new tattoo. If you have any questions about aftercare, get in touch with your tattoo artist.

Looking For Some New Ink?

Now that you know these 10 tips for safely working out after a tattoo, make sure to apply them to your routine. It’s safety first when it comes to exercising with new ink.

Ready for your first tattoo or to add another to your growing collection? Contact Oracle Tattoo Gallery. Our artists are skilled in a variety of styles and turn your dream tattoo into reality. Get in touch today by calling 215-638-1601 or by filling out the contact form.