What Is The Sign Of A Bad Tattoo Artist?

Many people love getting new tattoos to show off and highlight their true hidden personality. This is usually a good experience that leaves the client with a beautiful body art design that they will continue to enjoy for decades to come. Oracle Tattoo Gallery cautions first-time tattoo clients to do some research to determine if your chosen tattoo artist is up for the job. Sadly, some clients end up having a terrible tattoo experience and may dislike their tattoo result as an added insult.

Are There Telltale Signs That May Give A Bad Tattoo Artist Away?

Perhaps you are seriously considering a first or another tattoo design. So, what are the signs of a bad tattoo artist? Read on for expert methods that top tattoo artists recommend for identifying red flags that could indicate that an artist is not worth the risk.

The Tattoo Shop Environment Looks Less Than Sanitary

Any new tattoo is classified and treated like any other skin wound during the tattoo procedure and while healing. A fresh tattoo may result in unwanted side effects or complications that include developing an infection or a serious allergic reaction to the ink dyes and/or other materials used in the tattoo process. Tattoos are a minimally invasive procedure that falls under the current health and safety regulations that all states have. A tattoo shop should look like a medical practice or high-end salon when it comes to cleanliness and general appearances. Some signs that your artist is not following these rules include not wearing gloves, neglecting to use sterile tools or supplies that are individually sterilized and packaged for one-time-usage.

There should also be a medical grade autoclave to sterilize instruments that are used on more than one client.Any of the above signs should make you turn around and run away rather than take unnecessary risks for your safety, health and overall well-being. In addition, a tattoo should never be done in bars, restrooms or personal homes especially if there is no designated and separate shop area. This could be dangerous, as cross contamination and unclean surfaces may result in undesirable situations.

You Can’t Find Information Regarding Your Tattoo Artist

Most top tattoo artists also recommend doing some homework on each tattoo shop or artist prior to making your final choice. Most reputable tattoo establishments have websites that list all employees and a section that details each specific artist and that artist’s unique work style and other related details. If such information is not readily found, ask the artist upfront. Prospective tattoo clients are urged to take their time in finding the right artist able to provide the tattoo artwork desired that also suits each client’s budget.

You Can't Find Information Regarding Your Tattoo Artist

A New Or Inexperienced Tattoo Artist

In past decades, a new tattoo artist would train by becoming an apprentice to another artist that has been working in the field for a longer period of time. However, many newer tattoo artists are learning the skills through online tutorials and other Internet classes. A new or inexperienced tattoo artist cannot be expected to do the type of work that another top artist may provide for several reasons. The artist may lack the hands-on skills, just beginning to figure out their style or simply lack the common sense or talent needed to pull off those complex and detailed ink designs. The best strategy is to avoid inexperienced tattoo artists unless they are currently performing as an apprentice, and they can show proof of the tattoo design work you are wanting.

Other Clients Give Bad Reviews Or The Tattoo Community Is Strangely Silent

The best tattoo shops and artists will have a section for previous or repeat client reviews typically on an online shop website. Always check to ensure that the majority of reviews are excellent or good. If a previous client gives a bad review or when the local tattoo community is strangely silent regarding this artist, it is best to move on to a better prospect.

The Tattoo Artist Can’t Show Photos Of Their Work

When a tattoo artist is skilled and performs stellar tattoo lines and designs, they are usually happy to have prospective clients see photos in picture books or on an online site that has a photo gallery. If these photos seem to be scarce or missing, this could be a sign that this artist’s work is not that great and perhaps even bad.

The Tattoo Price Seems Unusually Low Or Overpriced For Work Quality & Size

Today’s tattoo artists differ significantly from those old-time sailor tattoos when a group of enlisted men may get drunk and then head to a tattoo parlor. Reputable tattoo artists and shops tend to frown upon getting drunk or high during the tattoo process. This is to ensure that the client is mentally able to consent to the job. This rule may differ somewhat for personal friends, family members or longtime clients in some cases. As a general rule, avoid tattoo shops that seem to be chaotic with lots of drunken individuals that could pose many unfavorable challenges.

Your Inner Conscious Is Telling You Something Is Amiss

The human body is designed to have warnings when something just doesn’t feel right. Sometimes, this gut feeling cannot be easily explained and is better described as an inner instinctive measure to alert the person to impending threats nearby. If this gut reaction occurs when visiting or researching a specific tattoo shop and/or tattoo artist, take heed and proceed with extra caution. It is better to slow the process down to determine the very best tattoo artist. Learn more about local tattoo shops near me using your Internet access smartphone, by visiting in person or asking others where they get their tattoos done.

Final Thoughts

Most Philadelphia tattoo shops provide excellent work and follow the health and safety requirements to help lessen the chances of a tattoo complication such as an infection. Using these practical and effective measures can help you spot a bad tattoo artist before something dire happens in many cases. Get further information regarding all things tattoo by contacting Oracle Tattoo Gallery online or call 215-638-1601.