Itchy Tattoo: Why It Happens and How to Find Relief

Itchy tattoos can be a top pet peeve for many people. That itchiness can last for a few days or several weeks. While you may want to scratch and relieve the itch, that can cause harm to your new ink. If you are struggling with an itchy tattoo, here are reasons why it happens and how you can find some relief.

Why Do Tattoos Feel Itchy?

During the healing process, it is completely normal to feel itchiness around the tattooed areas. In some cases, that itchiness is only a mild irritation. However, some people will have an extremely itchy sensation that doesn’t seem to go away. If you can’t stop the itchiness, there are several ways to relieve that sensation.

When you leave one of the local Philadelphia tattoo shops, your skin is an open wound. After a week, you will notice that the tattooed skin is scabbed. When the skin starts to shed, that is when you could feel a little itchy.

Along with itching, there are several common side effects. One of the top reasons for itching is that the skin begins to peel. The sensitive skin rubs and tickles the surrounding areas as the skin peels away, causing an itchy sensation.

Regrowing hairs can make the skin feel a little itchy. Before you are inked, the tattoo artist shaves the area to prevent the needle from catching on the hair. Once that hair starts to grow back, it can be irritating and itchy.

Unfortunately, some people have an allergic reaction to tattoo ink. These skin reactions are very common. Many of them will subside after a few days, and there is no need for medical attention. That allergic reaction can irritate the skin and cause itching.

Watch Out for Problems

While itchiness is normal, you need to watch out for signs of problems. Any red lumps or bumps around the tattooed area can mean that you have an allergic reaction or an infection. If the problem does not go away, it may be time to go to your doctor.

How To Treat an Itchy Tattoo

You can relieve an itchy tattoo with a variety of methods. Whatever you do, never scratch the new ink. You can get the skin infected or even damage the tattoo. Here are some of the best ways to stop that annoying itch.

Apply Some Moisturizing Lotion

When the skin begins to dry out, it can become itchy. You will want to apply a thick layer of moisturizing cream when the tattoo starts to feel dry. With that, you can keep the itching to a minimum. A thick layer of lotion can be detrimental. By not getting any air to the tattooed skin, heavy creams can delay the healing process. If any excess cream gets on your skin, make sure to pat it off with a clean paper towel.

Gently Tap the Skin

When your tattoo is itchy, it might be hard not to scratch your skin. If you gently pat or tap on the skin, it can help to dull that annoying itchy sensation. You can place a clean cloth over the tattoo and graze it with your fingers. A cloth can stop your fingernails from damaging the tattoo. If you still feel itchy, you might want to apply some ice to the area. Make sure that you don’t prematurely pull off the scabs, or you could damage your tattoo.

Take a Shower

When that itchy sensation does not stop, you could take a short, warm shower. That warm water can help to alleviate some of the itchiness. After you get out of the shower, take a clean paper towel to pat your tattoo until it is completely dry. Don’t forget to apply a thin layer of moisturizing lotion.

However, don’t spend too much time in the shower. It is never a good idea to oversaturate your skin with water. You want to keep your tattoo as dry as possible.

Why do you want to avoid water? Most water is full of bacteria, and you don’t want that in your open wound.

Distract Yourself

If you want to get your mind off of that annoying sensation, try to switch the brain away from the itching. Think about going for a walk, phoning a friend, or playing a video game. Some people have even found that chewing gum can help to distract them from the itchy skin.

Cool Down the Tattooed Area

An itching sensation can be soothed by placing anything cool on the tattooed area. However, you want to be gentle. Place a clean towel over your tattoo for a few minutes. If you want to do something more extreme, then use an ice pack on the skin. Remember to place a cloth between the skin and the pack, or you could end up with a burn.

Is It Safe To Scratch a Tattoo?

You never want to go and scratch your tattoo. When you try to relieve the itching with a quick scratch, there is a significant risk of damaging the skin. Along with that, there could be dirt trapped under your fingernails, leading to a risk of infection. Once you get an infection, you will need to visit a doctor to alleviate the problem.

When To Seek Medical Advice

While itchiness is very common with a new tattoo, some situations need medical attention. If that itching is not getting better or becomes severe, you should speak to a doctor. Any fever or chills could be a sign of a severe infection. In any case, you will want to schedule an appointment with your doctor.

An itchy tattoo is normal, and there is no reason to worry. With these few tips, you can get some relief from that irritated skin.

Local Tattoo Shops Near Me

If you are ready to get a beautiful tattoo, make sure to contact Oracle Tattoo Gallery. Our experienced artists can give you a few suggestions to alleviate any of that itchiness too. Schedule an appointment by calling 215-638-1601.