How Do Tattoo Consultations Work In Philadelphia?

How Do Tattoo Consultations Work In Philadelphia?

A consultation is the first step in the process of getting a tattoo. You technically don’t have to do a consultation with your artist, but it tends to bring much better results. It is well worth a little bit of time and effort to make sure that you and your tattoo artist are on the same page. So, how do tattoo consultations work in Philadelphia tattoo shops? Well, they work in much the same way as they do anywhere else. Let’s talk about some of the specific points that you need to know.

What Happens At A Tattoo Consultation?

It starts when you make an appointment with your artist, and commences further when you arrive. They will already have a general idea of design and placement but this is where you must make them aware of the details. You’re the one who will be wearing this artwork and making it part of your body, so you deserve to get the results that you want.

A consultation will mostly consist of discussion, but your artist will also want to prepare a final version of your design. You should not hesitate to correct anything that you don’t like, but it never hurts to listen to an experienced piece of advice here and there. Obviously, they will not prepare that final version during the meeting. Instead, they will probably do a preliminary sketch, allowing them to create the final template at a later time.

Tips On Finding A Good Artist

If you don’t already have a good tattoo artist, there are a few things that can make it easier to find one. At first, you might be asking yourself: “Are there any good local tattoo shops near me?” Visiting your local shops isn’t a bad place to start, but it often isn’t necessary. Most of the scouting process can be conducted online.

You won’t really need to do any stalking, sleuthing, or hacking to investigate the local artists. In fact, we should mention that all of those things are neither proper nor necessary (some of them may also be illegal). Most tattoo artists have social media pages, and virtually all tattoo shops do. These people are not hard to find, so take advantage of that to streamline your scouting process.

It’s also very important to look at an artist’s previous work. Whether you look at their portfolio or talk to their previous clients, you want to make sure that you like their art style and that it fits the design you want. This is particularly important with intricate designs and small lines.

Make Sure That You’re Prepared

You shouldn’t just walk into a consultation without having a good idea of what you want. This wastes time and will probably annoy your artist. At the very least, you should know basically what you want it to look like and where you want it to be. You also need a general idea of how large this piece will need to be. It’s also a good idea to decide what colors you would like to include. All of these pre-decisions will make it quicker and easier for you and your artist to work out the end result. On a related note, make sure that you take whatever measures you require to arrive on time. You may be the customer here, but a certain level of courtesy needs to be observed.

Make Sure To Discuss Any Health Issues

If you have any health conditions that might be relevant, you should not hesitate to discuss them with your artist. For instance, if you are particularly prone to allergies, your artist definitely needs to know about that. Certain types of ink are more likely to cause reactions, so that’s important information. Anything that affects your blood (like blood-thinning medications), is also likely to be relevant.

While you’re talking about health concerns, you also have a convenient excuse to bring up the subject of aftercare. If you have had tattoos in the past and don’t require any instructions, you can skip that topic. If not, you need to make sure that you understand every aspect of the aftercare regimen. If you don’t take care of your tattoo properly, its color could fade (or worse). So, take good notes and follow all instructions.

You May Need To Put Down A Deposit

In some cases, tattoo artists will ask that you put down a deposit on your total bill prior to a consultation. To be clear: This does not usually add anything to the total bill. It’s simply a way of making sure that the artist is compensated for their time and work. If you back out, they will still have been paid a small amount. Chances are, you will find out about such a deposit when you call and make the appointment. Just understand that it is a normal practice. Tattoo artists do this to keep people from wasting their time, that simple.

It’s Best To Come Alone

It might be tempting to bring your friends to the consultation meeting. However, this is generally considered to be a bad idea. Even if your friends have nothing but your best interests at heart, they are not likely to agree on everything. The more opinions you have in the room, the harder it will be to arrive at a consensus. Those arguments are nothing but a distraction for you and your artist. Besides, the decisions about your inkwork are yours and yours alone.


A tattoo consultation is an exceedingly simple affair. It is just a meeting at which you and your artist work out the details of your tattoo. In most cases, the final step of this meeting is to set a time and date for the work to begin. At Oracle Tattoo Gallery, we make it a point to provide customers with the customization and excellence that they deserve. If you would like to know more, feel free to call us at (215)638-1601.