Can You Get A Tattoo While Pregnant In Pennsylvania?

Fortunately, or unfortunately, pregnant women are strongly urged to avoid getting a tattoo in Pennsylvania. The law on this is unclear other than for someone who happens to be underage, or a minor.

Though the law for Pennsylvania is under consideration for revision, it currently states that the person who tattoos a person who is not yet eighteen (18) and does not have the consent of any living parents, or from a legal guardian, the person performing the tattoo is to be culpable of a misdemeanor, and once convicted, should pay a fine of only one hundred dollars ($100), or to be imprisoned for only three (3) months, or both.

In Pennsylvania law, it does not mention the subject of pregnant women getting a tattoo nor are they discussed in Philadelphia tattoo shops, though within their own procedural FAQs, shops usually won’t perform tattoos on pregnant women. The subject has gone through much deliberation and many opinions have come out of it. The wise choice is to decline tattoos for newly pregnant women. Once breastfeeding has stopped, tattoo shops will consider it.

Risks With Tattoos For Pregnant Women

Getting a tattoo while pregnant could lead to infection. Health care professionals believe it’s a concern. If you think about it, local tattoo shops near me may not meet safety standards by keeping needles, instruments and other equipment clean. Dirty needles are often infection spreaders of Hepatitis B and C, HIV and blood-borne infections.

If you’re pregnant, getting one of these diseases is especially detrimental as any of them can be passed on to the child at birth. Symptoms such as tiredness, fever and joint pain can go unnoticed and if they further develop, years may go by with no sign of threat of disease. You may be subject to a fever as well. Even though white blood cells go to the area of the tattoo to hinder the infection, there is an open wound that is subject to infection and the development of a fever. You want to be as cautious as possible for yourself and your baby.

There may also be infection with tattoos during the healing process. If you do get a tattoo and are not aware that you’re pregnant, you’ll want to adhere to a shop’s recommended instructions after you receive a tattoo.

Do see a health care provider if you experience any signs of infection that include:

• Chills
• Fever
• Sores or red lesions within the tattoo
• Pus or other discharge from the area surrounding the tattoo
• Hard and raised tissue within the tattoo
• Darker lines that develop around the area of the tattoo


Another problem with getting a tattoo when a woman is pregnant is the pain of a tattoo could jeopardize her immune system. Plus, sitting in awkward positions for longer periods of time and the open wound from a tattoo can affect her and her baby’s health.

If you’re thinking about getting a tattoo in the spine’s area or back, you may compromise the use of an epidural during birth. Tattoos in these areas can affect even getting an epidural. The reasons for this are the risks involved with infection or inflammation. Again, you’ll need to speak with your health care provider about these risks and any tattoos that you may already have.

Further concerns for pregnant women are the inks and the ingredients that a tattoo artist uses. The risks are minimal. Most professional tattoo artists will tell a pregnant woman to wait until after the baby is born before she gets a tattoo.

Other Issues With Tattoos

When and if you get a tattoo, pregnant or not, the spotlessness of any tattoo shop should be of utmost significance. The needles tattoo artists use are always in question, as they cause potential harm. When you choose from any of the many Philadelphia tattoo shops, you may put yourself at risk. If you select a shop that isn’t clean, you’re opening yourself up to infection.

Most health care providers advise against getting a tattoo while pregnant. If you’re waiting on edge to get a tattoo, you’ll probably be instructed not to get one until after you have given birth and have ceased breastfeeding your child. With the possibility of contracting any of the physical conditions that are associated with getting a tattoo, there are also emotional anxieties that you need to be familiar with. Most everyone knows that easing stress during pregnancy is of critical importance and getting a tattoo when you are pregnant puts your body under unnecessary stress. Also, in many states, it is an illegal action.

If you have questions or concerns about getting a tattoo while you’re pregnant or just want some general advice, contact Oracle Tattoo Gallery at 215-638-1601. They’ll be happy to answer any of your questions. Oracle’s tattoo artists are extremely knowledgeable in all areas of tattoo design, their application and attention to detail. You’re under exceptional care with any of their tattoo artists.