9 Things You’ll Want To Know Before You Get Your Tattoo

Getting a new tattoo is an exciting and enjoyable experience for many. The process can take up to a couple of hours, but it is time spent doing something that you want to do for yourself! You will walk out of the store with a piece of art that may just become something of an addiction. If this is your first time getting a tattoo or you would like to know some useful tips, then we have 9 things you will want to know before you get your tattoo that may help your overall experience.

1. Research What You Would Like And Book A Consultation With One Of Our Artists

With the abundance of talented artists, there are millions of designs to choose from. It is best to make sure that you start the process of getting your new tattoo right and choose something that will be right for you, which will be a tattoo design that you will love for years to come. You will want to research the establishment, the tattoo artists themselves and the artwork you would like as this will all help when picking what is right for you.

Getting a tattoo is technically a medical procedure, therefore making sure that you are safe while doing so is the number one priority. Booking a consultation can really help you when refining your designs and will also put you at ease as you get to know the tattoo artist. Chatting to your tattoo artists during a consultation will be a great way of asking any small questions that will make the day of application go smoother!

2. Choose A Good Time Of The Year To Get Inked

The seasons within the year can have an effect on how your tattoo heals and can guide many to know when they should book their tattoo appointment. Every season has its pros and cons for a new ink but weighing those options up will help you choose which time of the year is best for you.

Summer is a fantastic time to get your new tattoo as temperatures are higher meaning you will be able to wear loose clothing and show your tattoo off right from the get-go. The only issue with getting a new tattoo during summer is that elements may complicate the healing of your tattoo. For example, the sun may have a damaging effect on sensitive skin and therefore it is very important that you keep your fresh tattoo out of the sun.

3. Use Price As A Guide

When picking an establishment for a tattoo artist to apply your new design you will need to consider what your budget is. Working from your budget is a great way to decide what tattoo is right for you. It is important to aim to save up for a tattoo design and complete the tattoo artist’s prices as the price will give you an indication of how skilled the artist is. It is advised that you save up to make sure that you are able to book a tattoo artist that produces consistently good work.

Use Price As A Guide

4. Always Eat Before Your Appointment

You should make sure that you have had a proper meal at least one to two hours before your tattoo appointment as food will give you the energy to cope with any pain that you may experience during your appointment. It is also important that food is consumed during your appointment as this will help you feel well during the appointment, as you could be sitting in that chair for over a few hours.

5. Think How Your Tattoo Will Age

Thinking into the future when picking your tattoo is one of the best ways to ensure that it will be a tattoo design that is right for you for many years to come. As the skin ages, the cells from your tattoo will die, and eventually, your tattoo will fade. Avoiding tattoos with text or small tattoos may help your tattoo remain looking its best when the skin ages and starts to change.

6. Tattoo Artists Recommend That You Use Black Ink

If you are wanting your tattoo to last for a very long time and need little maintenance, it is best to choose black or dark ink. Color inks are aesthetically pleasing and can make a tattoo design pop but are more prone to fading depending on your natural skin tone.

7. Prepare Yourself For Pain

It’s common knowledge that if you are seeking a new tattoo, then pain may have to be endured too. Preparing for the pain mentally and physically can help you cope with it when the time comes. If you are worried about the pain you may experience getting a tattoo, you can always choose a place that is less painful to place your tattoo design.

8. Manage The Pain With Numbing Cream

If you are desperate for a tattoo but are really put off by the level of pain you read about, there are ways of getting about it! Using topical bumping cream can really help calm you and help you feel less when the tattoo is being placed on. Placing the numbing cream on the area you are getting tattooed approximately 40 minutes before your appointment should do the trick.

9. Always Prepare For Your Appointment Properly

It is very important that you avoid drink or drugs before you turn up to your tattoo appointment. You will need to remain very still when having your tattoo placed on you and therefore substances like alcohol can affect this. The alcohol can also thin the blood and therefore dilute the ink, making the tattoo process very difficult.

When You Are Ready To Get Your New Tattoo

If you are looking for a tattoo shop in Philadelphia with skilled artists and a friendly atmosphere, check out Oracle Tattoo Gallery. Whether this is your first tattoo or your twentieth, It will be a fantastic experience. Schedule a consultation with us today to learn more!